From the first concept to creating and validating the final technical file, our research and development and regulatory teams have extensive experience in developing orthopedic instruments, orthopedic implants, and dental implants, and are ready to support you throughout your design process. Our aim is to help you make your ideas become products as quickly and cost-effectively as possible.

We can help during all stages of your design process: design input, design output, design verification and validation. Additionally, using our portfolio of manufacturing services, we can help speed up your design transfer and application for design manufacturing time, to get your project ready for manufacturing without exceeding your cost expectations.

/ Process validation and device registration

With decades of experience in serving global players in the medical market, we have developed a unique aptitude for process validation in our manufacturing steps. Regulatory issues are part of our daily activity and our technical experience helps to speed up your product approval or registration. Furthermore, our scientific network can be consulted whenever a new challenge arises ensuring that you are not alone in dealing with essential market needs.

/ Finding the right surface treatment

We have designed and developed a number of different surface treatments and coatings that are designed to help with the osseointegration of orthopedic and dental implants. Alternatively, we can help our customers design the surface they need on their implants or surgical tools to achieve specific performances. Examples of these include: sliding wear resistance, metal ions barrier, fatigue strength increase, and color-size identification, to mention some.