/ Spray core – Controller


EasyCoat solutions are based on extremely compact, reliable and state-of-the-art components, giving the customer a ready-to-use device for specific coating needs.

EasyCoat has integration of powder feeders and basic handling systems to achieve higher productivity in typical small volume processes.

  • APS

  • HVOF liquid fuel

  • HVOF gas fuel

  • Flame Powder

  • Flame WireArc Spray


MasterCoat solutions are complete high tech versatile equipment compositions to realize multi process systems with full integration of all core items, handling and peripheral components.
MasterCoat can integrate all coating processes in Lincotek Equipment portfolio already implemented or as upgrade version for further expansion.

  • APS, extendable to HVOF
  • HVOF liquid fuel, extendable to APS

  • HVOF gas fuel, extendable to APS

  • HVOF gas and liquid fuel, extendable to APS

  • APS and HVOF integrated