November 18, 2022 | Inauguration
Urban art is always the story of a relationship between a place, its essence and the people who live there.
The artist, @Lucamaleonte, has now completed his bespoke mural for the Lincotek plant. The stratification of images with multiple references, the lightness of the tones and the suggestive composition, evoke the history of our company through a large installation and a redefinition of our industrial site.
The 600m² work, created through spray painting, expresses the concept of harmony between high-tech work, the environment and people. It aims to create a set of images within an industrial urban context, in the belief that art is a public gesture. A device that creates meaning for the community in which – and for which – it is created. A common good.
The art reflects the fact that Lincotek is always ahead, fostering a creative-driven approach and a culture of continuous innovation. After all, handcrafted work is recognized as artistic work, and an artistic soul brings constant invention and improvement. Lincotekers act like artists and demonstrate their ingenuity in our market every day!
November 10, 2022 | The project gathers pace
Lincotek Group has partnered with PopUpStudio for the design and implementation of the project, in the belief that art can be both an urban redevelopment tool and a way to contribute to the improvement of wellbeing in work spaces. We want to make our headquarters in Parma, Italy a place open to the kind of art and beauty that can stimulate the creativity of staff.
PopUp Studio asked the artist Luca Maeleonte (@lucamaeleonte) to interpret our corporate spirit. He, in turn, listened to our employees, who also participated in the physical execution of the work, developing an even stronger sense of belonging and identity to their workplace community.
We asked the artist what sharing his art with Lincotek workers means for him: “It is always nice to create synergies with the people who will experience your work on a daily basis. Being able to explore it in depth and having employees participate in the realization of the work, creates an exchange that is always equal. I try to teach people something about my work, but I come out enriched myself, because I approach a world completely different from mine. One that will be influenced by the presence of the work”.
November 4, 2022 | Painting a new picture of our business
Lincotek headquarters is being transformed into a gigantic work of art thanks to PopUp Studio – a creative company that uses urban art interventions as a way of making a social impact.
With the help of Luca Maeleonte (@lucamaeleonte) – a celebrated Italian, urban artist – our Group Headquarters in Parma is now becoming a powerful aesthetic statement and a colorful talking point in the area.
We asked our employees to get actively involved in the process of creating this “Social Art by Lincotek”, not only by helping to select the artist involved, but also by providing input into the work he has created. It’s our way of confirming our commitment to the community and giving something back that is truly inspirational.
The innovative project was created in partnership with two technical sponsors, Caparol DAW Italia and Wagner. It was one of the winners of the Creative Driven Enterprises call launched on the occasion of Parma Italian Capital of Culture 2020 + 21 by the Municipality of Parma and the Committee for Parma 2020, with the support of Parma, io ci sto! and Unione Parmense degli Industriali, a collaboration of CISITA and the scientific coordination of Promo PA Fondazione.