Enrico Sandrini
General Manager – Nanosurfaces Industries Srl
Enrico is the General Manager and co-founder of Nanosurfaces Industries, which joined the medical division of the Unitedcoatings Group in 2018.
His main responsibilities within our company are the management of our one-stop-shop facilities for medical devices, which includes: overseeing product development from ideation to market; developing innovative products via additive manufacturing; addressing the global need for traditional implants; providing global support for the production of complex instruments.
Enrico was awarded his PhD in Materials Engineering in 2006 and has gained multiple experience in different fields since then. This includes basic research, funded research, product development, product engineering, quality systems and Regulatory Affairs, ICT and Business Intelligence, Business Development, Biological Safety, management, planning, and production management.
The technical areas in which he has have developed particular experience are:
- Materials engineering
- Medical devices (orthopedic & trauma, dental implantology)
- Surface treatments in the aerospace and medical sectors
Enrico is the co-author of multiple scientific publications such as those on osteointegration of titanium and its alloys, and the use of novel technologies to coat and improve the performance of metal prostheses. Some of his published work is available to view on Google Scholar.